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Marana Fastpitch Youth Softball BAJA


What is BAJA softball's history?

Baja Arizona Girls Softball Association was formed in 2004 by seven independent leagues in Tucson AZ. That first year Amateur Softball Association (ASA) rules were used with Baja rules changes for each age division. In 2005, David Schreiber and Chris Mecum of Rita Ranch [now Southeast] Fastpitch authored a complete stand alone set of rules for Baja that incorporated our objectives. In 2006, Dave Plane of Oro Valley Fast Pitch updated this rule book. In 2007, the Baja board elected to join ASA as a recreational class B league. 

Is BAJA softball a club/travel organization?

No.  However, we do adhere to many of the rules that club teams play by.

What's the difference between Little League and BAJA?

BAJA's sole purpose is to promote and advance girls' softball.  All of BAJA's resources are used for that purpose.   We follow USA age division guidance; 6U, 8U, 10U, 12 U, 14U.

Where and when are practices held?

For the Spring 2023 season practices will be held at Gladden Farms Community Park, Crossroads, and Continental Reserve. Check with your coach for specific times once the season begins. More information to follow. 

What about games?

Gladden Farms is our home field.
Game times and days are dependent on how many teams each league fields.
More information to follow. 


Is there guaranteed playing time?

All players must play at least two (2) innings on defense within the first 4 innings.
b) No player may sit on the bench for a second inning until all players have sat on the bench for one inning. Example: On a 12-player team, ALL players will sit out one of the first four innings.
c) No player may sit on the bench for two innings in a row unless it is her choice because of illness, or she has been removed for injury. 

What are time commitment expectations?

Every team will practice at least 2x week.  Once games start practices are still 2x per week with games on Saturday (6U) Friday (8U) and double headers on Saturday (10U-14U).   Your Coach will have specific details.

How much travel is involved?

There are 6 leagues spread out across Tucson so there will be travel on Saturdays.  Possible locations: Udall, Riverfront Park, Jesse Owens, Empire High School etc.

Can my daughter play '"up"?

BAJA allows for those players who show an ability to compete at a higher level to play up an age division.  

This is my daughter's first year in softball.  I am worried for her safety.  What precautions are in place?

MFP coaches will spend time ensuring every girl has the skills to play within their age group.  Coaches will nit place an inexperienced player in a dangerous situation during game.  However, by the end of the season most players will possess a bare minimum skill set to play safely.   In very rare circumstances a player can play "down' an age group.


Marana Fast Pitch Softball BAJA - PLEASE READ!!

8667 N Ironwood Reserve Way 
Tucson, Arizona 85743

Phone: 954-937-7317
Email: [email protected]

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